
10 Reasons Why Investment Is Important

Investment is the act of putting money into financial instruments, assets, or businesses with the expectation of earning a profit or capital appreciation. It is an important component of personal finance and plays a crucial role in wealth creation. It is essential for individuals to have a well-planned investment strategy in order to maximize the benefits of investment and achieve long-term financial success.

But sometimes we focus on saving rather than investing, and underestimate the true potential of investing, so here are 10 reasons explaining why investment is important:

To achieve financial goals

Investment allows individuals to save and grow their wealth over time. It enables them to achieve their financial goals, such as buying a house, paying for education, or planning for retirement. By setting aside a portion of their income for investment, individuals can build a solid foundation for their financial future and ensure that they have the resources they need to meet their goals.

To beat inflation

Simply put, inflation is the general rise in prices of goods and services over time. You can say it is the biggest enemy of your money, it erodes the purchasing power of money, meaning that the same amount of money will buy fewer goods in the future.

Investment helps individuals to beat inflation by earning returns that are higher than the rate of inflation. By investing in assets that are likely to appreciate in value over time, such as stocks or real estate, individuals can protect the purchasing power of their money and ensure that it retains its value over the long term.

To diversify risk

Investment helps to diversify risk by spreading the money across various assets, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, etc. This diversification can reduce the impact of market volatility on an individual’s overall portfolio. By investing in a mix of assets, individuals can reduce the risk of their portfolio being heavily impacted by the performance of any one asset class.

To increase liquidity

Investment can increase liquidity by providing a source of funds that can be easily accessed in times of need. For example, an individual who has invested in a liquid asset, such as liquid mutual funds, can easily sell their investment and access the funds in a short period. This can be particularly useful in emergencies or when an unexpected expense arises.

To generate passive income

Investment can generate passive income, which is income received regularly without the need for active involvement. For example, an individual who has invested in a rental property can receive regular rental income without having to manage the property actively, or by investing in a stock which gives regular dividends. Passive income can be an important source of financial stability and help individuals achieve financial independence.

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To build a retirement nest egg

Investment is an important way for individuals to build a nest egg for retirement. By investing in assets such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, individuals can save for the future and ensure a secure financial foundation for their golden years.

To increase financial security

Investment can increase financial security by providing a source of funds that can be accessed in times of need, such as during a job loss or unexpected expenses.

To benefit from professional management

Many investment instruments, such as mutual funds and exchange-traded funds, are professionally managed by financial experts who have the knowledge and experience to select and manage investments. This professional management can maximize returns and minimize risk.

To benefit from tax advantages

Some investments offer tax advantages, such as ELSS (Equity Linked Saving Scheme), NSC (National Savings Certificate), etc. This can reduce the overall tax burden and increase the net returns on investment. Though the returns on such investments are often less as compared to other investment instruments, but their primary goal is to save income tax.

To leave a legacy

Investment can help individuals to leave a financial legacy for their loved ones. For example, an individual who has invested in a life insurance policy can provide financial security for their family in the event of their death.

Investment is an important aspect of personal finance that can help individuals to achieve their financial goals, beat inflation, diversify risk, increase liquidity, generate passive income, benefit from compound interest, increase financial security, benefit from professional management, and take advantage of tax advantages. So always ensure that you invest your money wisely!

CA Divya

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